The Mousetrap

directed by TRACY BRIGDEN
McGuire Proscenium Stage

An iconic murder mystery

During a heavy snowstorm, newlyweds Mollie and Giles Ralston prepare to open Monkswell Manor for their first guests: the nitpicky Mrs. Boyle; the cagey Miss Casewell visiting from abroad; the young architect Christopher Wren; the good-natured Major Metcalf; and the roguish, unexpected guest Mr. Paravicini. As the snow proves impassable, Detective Sergeant Trotter arrives on skis with news that connects the manor to a mysterious murder in London. When the phone lines are cut and a guest turns up dead, everyone becomes a suspect. Will the killer be discovered in time? Discover for yourself why this Agatha Christie classic is the longest-running play in the world.

Three things to know

  • The Mousetrap began as a 30-minute radio play for the BBC in 1947 called Three Blind Mice. Queen Mary had just turned 80 and requested something by Agatha Christie for a commemorative broadcast.
  • The stage play opened in Nottingham, England, on October 6, 1952, and toured the country before settling in on the West End where it continues performances today, making it the longest-running play in the world. 
  • Guthrie Senior Artistic Producer Tracy Brigden previously directed Frederick Knott's Dial M for Murder in our 2023–2024 Season, which featured similar edge-of-your-seat suspense and dramatic revelations.

Venue info

This production will take place on the McGuire Proscenium Stage.

Pro tip: Can't do stairs or have a special seating request? Call the Box Office for details.

Ticket prices

Ticket prices range from $32 to $92, including handling fees. Read about our ticket handling fees and policies. . 

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Age recommendation

We recommend this production for ages 10 and up.

Group sales

All student and adult groups of 15 or more qualify for discounts on tickets to Guthrie productions.

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Post-play discussions

Patrons are invited to stay in the theater following select performances for a 20-minute conversation about the production facilitated by Guthrie staff. Cast members may join the discussion as they are able.

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Relaxed performance

The Guthrie will offer a relaxed performance of The Mousetrap on Saturday, April 19 at 1 p.m. Although these performances are open to all patrons, they are intentionally modified to accommodate patrons with sensory and vestibular sensitivities, anxiety, dementia, autism spectrum disorders, learning differences or challenges attending the theater.

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ASL-interpreted, audio-described and open-captioned performances are available on select dates.

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